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Customized Fitness Training with a Holistic Focus

Mark draws on 20 years of experience in personal training &musculoskeletal therapy
to designed bespoke fitness programs.

Our philosophy:

Health is more than just the absence of disease; it is a state of positive well-being.  Fitness is our ability to achieve that state of well-being and maintain it!  With proper training, customized to each individual, we make ourselves strong, flexible and resilient – able to withstand the physical and emotional stresses of everyday life!

Our 3-pronged approach:

  1. Resistance training to build endurance, improve physical strength, reshape our body and realign our posture

  2. Nutritional planning to shed fat, fuel muscle growth and promote good health

  3. Targeted stability training to build core strength and to protect muscles and joints from injury


Our methods are based on clinical research and are designed to promote maximum results in under 3 hours per week. Our workouts emphasize safety and form, making this program ideal for those who are new to resistance training as well as those who have suffered chronic or acute injuries. Our program combines the proper routine with the proper technique, so that you can feel confident training on your own – at home or in a gym – using bands, machines or free weights.

The Details:

Individual sessions are $95 and are custom-targeted to address nagging injuries or structural imbalances via a prescriptive combination of stretching, myofascial release, and strength training.

10-session packages are $850 and are designed to provide a customized & comprehensive plan to achieve your specific goals while ensuring proper muscle and joint function.

Current clients of Points East receive $100-off the purchase of 10 training sessions!

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